Wednesday, August 5, 2015

6 Weeks Old

Happy 6 week birthday, Gabriel!! We love you!!
Gabriel was stable, better than the last two days. Gabriel had a lot of awake time, 2 hours with mama holding him. Then Uncle Chris and Aunt Dena visited and Gabriel LOVED Uncle Chris. They made eyes at each other; Chris bounced his legs and played bicycle kick. Gabriel was fascinated. He smiled quite a few times! We are glad to be reminded that Gabriel is a cute kid with a normal mind that is growing and developing with movement and play and sounds. Thankful to have noise and play re-enter our room.
Today is 3 weeks here.
Planning for home: Gabriel is unique in that he is smaller than the usual child on a ventilator, and there are few choices of masks for the planned home ventilator machine. Many people are putting their minds together to come up with a solution. It's looking like next week. At least power to our home has been restored (after the storm).

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