Sunday, August 23, 2015

Baby at the Beach

Friday we were blessed with a beautiful day. Our third visitor of the day was a photographer, who generously shared her time to fill a goal of ours, to have photos of Eleanor and Gabriel and we were able to do so outside in our front lawn. The day we went to the ER originally, Gabriel, Eleanor and Joanna had been outside playing on the grass together. It was so nice to be back there making more memories.
We've been cautious about outside time, but Saturday was so beautiful we wanted to chance it by going to our lake park. Gathered Gabriel onto his wagon, and crossed the yard, crossed the road, and stepped out from the circle of fear and anxiety into the sun.
We had a Baby at the Beach!!
Gabriel slept most of that hour and a half, but he was comfortable. His eyes fluttered open a few times to see his parents, the sky, and the dappled light on the leaves above. Aaron, Jo, and Grandma Lucie breathed in the fresh air, felt the breeze, and relaxed a little. Eleanor came home with her Papa and Bubbie, and then she played and jumped in the water as kids are supposed to do in the summer.
Today, Gabriel had a good afternoon. He had quiet awake time and engaged with his eyes and lifted his eyebrows at mom to show he was interested. He moved his arms more than usual and lightly gripped and moved a little ball; it was slight but more play than we've done before. And he smiled, almost laughed, at the nurse who was wiping his lips and it became a game. Also a first. Warms a mother's heart.

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